Privacy Policy

Integrity Health holds your privacy in high regard. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) is your guide to how we handle personal information collected from visitors to our website or users of our online services. Our commitment is not just to meet but to exceed existing privacy standards.

Please note, this Policy doesn’t cover information collection and usage by entities beyond our control, nor individuals not employed or managed by us. It’s advisable to review the privacy policies of any website you visit to better understand their data practices.

Here’s what you can expect to learn from this Policy:

What personally identifiable information we collect from youWhy we collect this information and the legal basis for doing soHow we use and share collected informationYour choices regarding data usageOur security measures to protect your information

Information Collection:

You have the choice to disclose personally identifiable information. However, if you opt not to, we may be unable to provide services, and we reserve the right to reject products or services based on the information provided.

We may collect your Name, Phone Number, Email, Zip Code, and any health coverage notes you provide. For security, we only collect sensitive medical or personal information directly from customers and never ask for such via web forms.

Basic identifiable information may be used to track website usage, including advertising effectiveness (e.g., geographic location, referral source). Information collected for analysis is shared only as metrics for tracking platforms and is never sold or used for solicitation.

Why We Collect Information:

We collect data to:

Understand your needs and provide requested servicesTailor services to your needsContact you about our products or servicesTrack website usage and advertising effectiveness

Data will be stored for no longer than necessary based on relevance, record-keeping requirements, legal obligations, and contractual agreements.

Information Disclosure:

We won’t use or disclose your information except:

To provide requested services or productsAs described in this Policy or with your consentIn aggregate form where your identity can’t be reasonably determinedWhen required by law or in response to legal requests


We take precautions to protect your information online and offline. Information submitted via the website is encrypted and transmitted securely. Only authorized employees with specific job roles can access personally identifiable information. Our servers are kept in secure environments to prevent unauthorized access.

Acceptance of Terms:

By using our website, you accept the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy Agreement. Continued use following updates or changes indicates your agreement with these terms. If you disagree, refrain from further use of our website(s).